Thursday, February 9, 2017

What i collect?
I collect hats. Ever since I was a Littler Yates. I was into hats. No matter what I am wearing, i am probably wearing a hat. I have visors, snapbacks, ball caps, fishing hats, and beanies. I am open to different hats that look good at me. This is why i probably do not have money because every time i get money i spend  it on hats. It is just something i always want because it can tell people how you feeling that that day and your mood depending on your hat.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


The one person that inspires me to do art is my mama. Every since i was a little Yates. she always told me to be myself and follow my heart. Even if she did not like some of the decisions I have made in my life and are currently making, she told me I am her daughter and she will back up that decisions I made. The reason why i do art the way i do is because the morals i was thought from her. She is always inspiring me to become a better artist. She gives me encouraging words if i do a good job. She also gives me negative comments saying"i know you can do better than that."

This wonderful woman right here is the reason why I wake up every morning wanting to do art. She enjoyed every art piece i did for her. This made me happy so i continued to do art. If it was not for her i probably would not have started art. She told me when i first started drawing i had a real talent when no one else believed in me. I strive everyday to get better at art for her. Although she would never tell me my art was awful when i knew it was, I loved her for the support to try to make me feel better. Every time i saw her she had a smile on her face. It made me realize why be sad in life when you can just smile all the time. She was one special person in my life who was always there when i felt or was alone. I could always count on her. She pretty much raised me to do what I loved. I love doing art because i know she is looking down at me admiring my work and i'm making her proud in what i'm doing. I am going to finish school for her.